LIR Training Course

Yesterday I finished the RIPE LIR Course second time.

They told us, that database objects are filtered since some weeks and with the -B you can get it unfiltered. This fact I was searching 2 weeks ago for some hours. I didn't recognize the announcement on db-wg mailinglist.
My opinion is, that this is a useless feature. It does confuse the NOC people and spammer do know to bypass this anyways.

Also you cant use webupdate if your maintainer only has a pgp-key. Thats really bad ... so you need X509, if you have to use webupdate and wanna use secure authentication.
To remove pgp-objects, you have to contact
Other news ... its allowed to make subassignments on IPv4 and new thing ... lir-partitioned.

The benefit of the course ... I'm fit into other great stuff, which may come up in the future ... :-)

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