Running different policyd-weight instances

Why run different instances of policyd-weight? Cause you may want use different scorings based on Access Policy Delegation.

At first you need make a copy of policyd-weight and modify it, since Robert didn't implement a switch to specify a config file (yet):

# cp policyd-weight policyd-weight-instance2
# sed "s/\/policyd-weight.conf/\/policyd-weight-instance2.conf/" \

Required changes to the config file:

# echo "$syslog_ident    = \
	"postfix/policyd-weight-INSTANCE2";" >> \
# echo "$SPATH           = \
	$LOCKPATH.'/polw-instance2.sock';" >> \
# echo "$PIDFILE         = \
	"/var/run/";" >> \
# echo "$TCP_PORT        = \
	12526;" >> /etc/policyd-weight-mx.conf

The difference in my case is to not score bogus_mx_score, which may cause trouble when mails coming in from backup MX:

# echo "@bogus_mx_score                   = (0,        0    );" >> \
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