Liquid Sunday 4.1

[![Liquid Sunday 4.1](/contLiquid Sunday 4.1rg/content/images/2008/03/IMG_086.jpg)
Like (almost) every year I visited obligatory the event. Since my family^Wreallife is normally preventing me from such a party, this one left cause it's in my old homeland and there are good friends forcing me to join them (my wife can't deny a please of her brother :).
After it was sabotaged last year, this year the location wasn't anymore in the KSA Tautenhain but in the "Volkspalast" Leipzig. I never visited this location before, but in contrast to the KSA it is a regular (commercial) location. So I was quite interested how such a great event could be integrated into a more or less mainstream location.
We reached 23 o'clock and it was really empty ... there was a big floor where usually the weekly party is on stage. The music was less commercial then expected, later I found out on a lineup, that this was called Housefloor,
[![Liquid Sunday 4.1](/contLiquid Sunday 4.1rg/content/images/2008/03/IMG_121.jpg)
I guess this floor was dedicated to the crowd visting the location regularly. So we discovered 3 more areas and I was keeping in the Mainfloor, which was a room much smaller and did look like a old fabric room (with additional deco). Around 1 o'clock there was many people in that room ... a short round through the other areas did take me back to the Mainfloor. The deco there was great like every year and inside this room the usual feeling of the event could be recognised. Outside that room, is looked like every discotheque and the people seems also not like on the last events. To make long things short ... Inside the Mainfloor sound, ambience and crowd was great, but I didn't care about the rest. And yes ... the music was LOUD, but that's okay for me on such a party.

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