Bayreuth Festival - Online streaming of "Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg"

Actual I'm involved into a project which maybe of interest for you if you like opera particular when you are a Richard Wagner enthusiast. Since long time, the waiting period for obtaining tickets increases a lot. At the moment I think you have to wait around 8 years, which is a worse.
Time changes also at Bayreuth Festival, they seems to refocus their audience. Looks like the aspects of huge waiting list and new medias influenced that process.

This year the opera "Die Meistersinger" is broadcasted online under the slogan "live dabei" (live there) via the great thing called "Internet" and to a public viewing area in Bayreuth, which is a premiere in both cases. So if you don't have a ticket for the Festspielhaus and not in a position to make use of the public viewing but interested to have a look at the opera, you may want to check if your system matches the technical requirements and give it a try.

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