Monitoring related package updates

  • nagios-plugins

    • stable: uploaded 1.4.15-3squeeze1 fixing #623702
    • testing: entered 1.4.15-4, this basically reduced the dependency footprint of nagios-plugins-standard (#569028)
    • squeeze-backports: uploaded 1.4.15-4~bpo60+1
  • icinga

    • unstable: Alexander Wirt uploaded 1.4.0-2
    • squeeze-backports: uploaded 1.4.0-2~bpo60+1
    • lenny-backports-sloppy: uploaded 1.4.0-2~bpo50+1
  • nagstamon

    • squeeze-backports: uploaded, which works with icinga 1.4
  • nagios3

    • unstable: Alexander Wirt uploaded 3.2.3-2
  • check-mk

    • unstable: Alexander Wirt uploaded 1.1.10-1
  • icli

  • nagircbot

    • testing: John Morrissey uploaded initially some weeks ago 0.0.32-1
  • mod-gearman

    • testing: Stig Sandbeck Mathisen uploaded initially some weeks ago 1.0.3-1
  • pnp4nagios

    • testing: Sebastian Harl uploaded some weeks ago 0.6.12-1
    • squeeze-backports: Sebastian Harl uploaded 0.6.12-1~bpo60+1

Some more about packaging nagios and icinga related packages can be found at our team site.

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