Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2012

As announced 3 weeks ago, the Debian project was present at Chemnitzer Linuxtage. Several talks and workshops where held by people related to the Debian project. At the booth we had talks and discussions with exhibitors and visitors, unfortunately I didn't had much time to visit more than small parts of two lectures.

Unfortunately (for the visitors) we didn't had any merchandising on board, while we received several requests. On Sunday Axel surprised us with some leftovers from fosdem of merch.

At the booth we had a demo machine running Babelbox and xpenguins, which attracted visitors very well.

We received also more than one "Just thank you ... " by satisfied users. :)

Four different talks and one workshop were held by Debian people, but they were not specific to the Debian. The workshop was about OpenStreetMap, lectures was about commandline helpers, grep everything, quality analyzing and team management in opensource projects and Conkeror and other keyboard based webbrowsers.

Many thanks to Jan Dittberner, Andreas Tille, Christian Hoffmann, Florian Baumann, Christoph Egger, Axel Beckert, Adam Schmalhofer, Markus Schnalke, Sebastian Harl and Patrick Matthäi for running the booth, answering a wide range of questions or just chatting with visitors. A special thank to TMT GmbH & Co. KG for providing the complete equipment and sponsoring it's transportation.

At the end we have to send a big thank to the organizing team of the Chemnitzer Linuxtage. It was fun and a pleasure to find new friends and meet old ones of the Free Software community.

A small sidenote ... was anybody aware that OpenSuSE Package search is using

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