Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2013?

Also this year I registered a booth in the name of the Debian Project at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage.

Unfortunately this is the second time in the row, that we seem to be short of manpower while preparing the booth. Actually just one person was able to commit his available time. A general offer was announced by 3 people (including me). This makes me a little sad, cause CLT is a very community driven event which is really nice organized. I always liked to chat and discuss with very interesting people from other projects and visitors.

As the CLT runs a 6 track lecture program with commonly very good lectures, it is not possible to get the booth running into good shape with such a small amount of volunteers. If you feel you are interested into visiting the Chemnitzer Linux-Tage and want to make our booth a success like last years for the Debian Project, please have a look into my announcement and our coordination wiki.

[Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 16. und 17. März 2013]

So please ... let come more brave people into our band wagon! Don't wait to long! Registration period for (possibly sponsored) Booth tickets (read here) ends on 4th March, many thanks!

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