Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2013!

Also this year the Debian project was present at Chemnitzer Linuxtage, this time right next the booth. The booth folks arriving on Friday organized a flashmob at Expitas after booth setup. Unfortunately our second planned flashmob at the Mensa was boycotted by much more students, so we ended up in the Turm-Brauhaus, which is a great location with good drinks but the service was very harshly.

On the next two days at the booth we chatted and discussed with visitors and other exhibitors a wide variety of questions, including 'When will be (the next Debian version) released?' and 'Are there installation disks available?'. The answers was as always 'When we are ready and we will have reached the quality-level we defined', 'No we don't have installation medias, as they are always outdated. Do you have an USB-dongle with you?'.

Merchandising was requested by visitors as always, but we just had some leftovers of Fosdem, brought by Axel.

The demonstration was as usual a small box running Babelbox and xpenguins which worked out the last years too.

This year there were three lectures held by Debian related people, about Debian GIS, Aptitude - known but even unknown and SSH and unreliable network connections.

The organisation team did a really great job. The social event at saturday night was very exciting and we left it early in the morning. The whole event was indeed fun and a pleasure to find new friends and meet old ones of the Free Software community.

Many thanks to Florian Baumann, Jan Dittberner, Andreas Tille, Christian Hoffmann, Axel Beckert, Markus Rekkenbeil, Daniel Schier, Jonas Genannt, Jan Hörsch and kurio for taking care and running the booth, which worked out this year extreme smoothly from my point of view. Likewise as the last years a special thanks to TMT GmbH & Co. KG, which kindly donated additional boothtickets, the equipment, its transportation and accommodation for almost half of the booth staff.

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