Securing Proftpd

You can put these lines into /etc/proftpd.conf > DefaultRoot ~ IdentLookups off ServerIdent on "FTP Server ready."…

Getting started with Subversion

Today I thought about how to have different revisions of my project documentation which is a condition precedent to my degree. After weighting up CVS [] and Subversion [] I decided to use Subversion. It wasn't such short like it looks here…

BIND chrooted on Debian Sarge

# /etc/init.d/bind9 stop We need to edit /etc/default/bind9 to run the daemon as the unprivileged user bind and chrooted to /var/lib/named, change the content to > OPTS="-u bind -t /var/lib/named". Creating all directories under /var/lib: # mkdir -p /var/…

Using unused memory on my WRT54G V2

I was reading a bit around about openwrt and I recognized, that with 16 MB it wont be fun with 2 MB spare memory. After reading some FAQs and Wikis I found out, that some V2 are shipped with 32 MB but only 16 MB enables ... this rocks .. more space…

Remove all packages of one source

> #!/usr/bin/perl # # Author: Florian Ragwitz # E-Mail: # die("Packagelist needed") if(!@ARGV); while(<>) { if(/^Package: (.*)$/) { print $1."n"; system("apt-get remove $1"); } } As argument is a file with package informations needed (can be found in /var/lib/apt/…

Other resources

Seattle Wireless - LinksysWrt54g [] Wrt54gTools [] Snort on the WRT54G [] Linux on the WRT54G [] Linksys WRT54 Hardware Versions Under the Knife-the definitive guide [http://www.…