
The next two weeks, I`ll take some vacations, half of it's with rarely and slow IP connection. I don't know right now, if this is luck or bad luck, but I'll see hows going. I hope the weather will be much better than…

Thoughts about LVM

Since I started playing around with vserver there is the problem left restricting the capacity of the disk usage of the guests. One solution may be to use one partition per vserver guest. But what to do if there is more (or less) space needed on the systems? Shutting them…

Facelifting and extending the site

Maybe you have noticed, the site got some enhancements, more content and got polished. non complete list: * sidebar is switched to widgets [] * some plugins was customized and send back to upstream * K2 [] was updated to revision 360, since all the modifications moved…

Hacking google-highlight plugin

Today I found a nice plugin for highlighting search strings from referrer called google-highlight [], when coming from a search engine. The problem was, when the site includes a substring of $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] it was highlighted ... maybe not what you want. Here…

Vserver Debian sarge as host and guest system

Starting with installing some packages from []: # aptitude install -t sarge-backports util-vserver \ linux-image-2.6-vserver-<arch> This may be a good moment to reboot your host system. :) Following the setup process of the virtual server […