LiquidSunday 2006

[] Ten weeks after last clubbing tour the brother of my wife initiated a second one. This time the location was at an old recycle sorting facility anywhere between Leipzig and Chemnitz. This year the parking chaos wasn't such big like the last, but it…

Climbing K2

A nice article about climbing K2 can be found here [] (incl. followup).…

Adjusting K2

A realy good howto about ajust the K2 theme can be found on Paul Stamatious blog []…

Checking zOOm Club

[![club nesty](/content/imarg/content/images/2006/02/060204.jpg) Since a long time I'm not frequently clubbing cause different reasons. This weekend the brother of my wife did visit us and asked whats going on in the evening. I'm not following any nightlife magazine, so…

FrontPage 2002 Server Extensions and Debian Sarge

Already the topic sounds like self flagellation, but what wouldn't you forced by customers? On this system we are housing customers we did inherit with a company fusion (dont ask more details). On Sunday morning our box for vhosting Sites with FP-extentions was beginning rebooting every 20 -…

FlyaKiteOSX ...

[![FlyaKiteOSX Screenshot](rg/content/images/2006/01/FlyakiteOSXv3.png) I did found a nice site called FlyaKiteOSX [], which looks and feel like OSX (on a limited scale) in your browser window. There is an included Finder, a working copy of iTunes (with some samples) and some…