Debian Repository

Today I lost accidentally all my debian packages on our ftp server []. This was a point where I thought, it may be a good idea to setup a working repository. So I backported reprepro [] and installed it. Some scripts by side…

Debian Week

Since I was building already a couple packages for bpo [] I was thinking, it may a good idea to start packaging some of my most common tools for Debian GNU/Linux []. You may think its bad timing, but better late than never! So…

php5 (5.1.6-1~bpo.1) with tidy and PDO

Since a long time we need php5 with tidy and PDO. Until last week we was using: > deb php5.1 sarge But it stalled at 5.1.4 So we did need a solution how to get a recent and maintained php5 package. There…

FuzzyOcr on Debian sarge

This article covers the installation of FuzzyOcr on Debian sarge including update to packages from []. For informations how to install packages from bpo see here []! Update spamassassin: # aptitude -t sarge-backports install spamassassin Keep in mind, that…

Some more packages to bpo

Today nobse [] did some work on bpo NEW queue [] and accepted 19 packages at once. So some more of my backports available on bpo, which are: * nagios-plugins: * egroupware: 1.2-104.dfsg-0bpo1 * gallery2: 2.1.…

LVM and Quota with Vserver on Debian

This article is based on the excellent article on [] . At first install nessesary packages: # aptitude -t sarge-backports install lvm2\ util-vserver coreutils linux-image-2.6-vserver-686 Create Volume and Group (Replace '/dev/hda3' to your own…