Installing an AVM Fritz!Card 2.0

At first ... put the Card in! :-) Next I installed the following packages and all required dependencies: # aptitude install capiutils isdnactivecards \ isdnlog isdnlog-data isdnutils-base libcapi20-2 Now I got the source of the module from AVM []…

Getting started with Subversion

Today I thought about how to have different revisions of my project documentation which is a condition precedent to my degree. After weighting up CVS [] and Subversion [] I decided to use Subversion. It wasn't such short like it looks here…

BIND chrooted on Debian Sarge

# /etc/init.d/bind9 stop We need to edit /etc/default/bind9 to run the daemon as the unprivileged user bind and chrooted to /var/lib/named, change the content to > OPTS="-u bind -t /var/lib/named". Creating all directories under /var/lib: # mkdir -p /var/…

Remove all packages of one source

> #!/usr/bin/perl # # Author: Florian Ragwitz # E-Mail: # die("Packagelist needed") if(!@ARGV); while(<>) { if(/^Package: (.*)$/) { print $1."n"; system("apt-get remove $1"); } } As argument is a file with package informations needed (can be found in /var/lib/apt/…

Keeping several machines updated using "dsh" and "sudo"

If you manage a whole bunch of servers or client workstations (or both), it comes in handy to update them all with just one command. (Credits: This is based on an article [] to be found in the "Linux…

Usefull Debian Links

Debian NEW Queue [] FAQ of the German IRC Channel [] Why is package X not in testing yet? [] Debian packages archive [] HOWTO - Install Debian Onto…

logout and clear

start this script in .bash_logout! > !/bin/bash if [ -z "tty|grep tty" ]; then exit 0; fi TTY=tty|tail -c2 if [ $TTY = "1" ]; then chvt 2; chvt $TTY; else chvt 1 chvt $TTY fi…

Making SASL2 working with postfix in sarge

Stop SASLAUTHD service Create directory for runtime files # mkdir -p /var/spool/postfix/var/run Move sockets into chroot # mv /var/run/saslauthd /var/spool/postfix/var/run/ Create symlinks, so that the old setup with the default locations is still intact # ln -s /var/spool/postfix/var/run/saslauthd…