Running icinga with lighttpd on Debian whezzy (and a Raspberry)

At first we need to install Icinga [] and lighttpd []: # aptitude install icinga lighttpd We need to enable the lighttpd cgi and authentication module: # lighttpd-enable-mod cgi && ighttpd-enable-mod auth Let's create a config for Icinga (in a subdir of the… infected with Malware and Linux Malware Detect

As some of you might have noticed, the Site [] was infected [] yesterday with Malware []. If you are running a shared hosting environment, you are also be faced with similar Malware problems.…

Nagios Plugins 1.5 released

Today the Nagios Plugins Development Team [] released [] the long awaited version 1.5 of the Nagios Plugins. It contains several bug-fixes as well as new features. The project moved to a new home at…

ownCloud for Debian wheezy

Unfortunately ownCloud [] is not available in Debian wheezy []. Even if it was promised [] to provide a package via backports [], this seems […

nagios-plugins: Call for testing

Some of you might have noticed there is a new nagios-plugins [] version in the row []. To support upstream in evaluating bugs and bringing the code to a wider audience, I uploaded […

Updated roundcube for wheezy

Roundcube [] is one of the well known [] OpenSource solutions for accessing Mails via webinterface. Unfortunately the package [] in wheezy [] is ~2 years old. In…

Frag is bigger than frame.

Since 2 weeks I'm faced with some problems at a Xen [] hosting environment based on Debian [] wheezy []. The issue is, that one specific domU is regularly failing network. The investigations showed, that…