DevOps Camp 2019

Das DevOps Camp [] ist wieder einmal Geschichte und das natürlich viel zu schnell. Die Veranstaltung ist als BarCamp [] angelegt, genauere Informationen findet man hier []. Nachdem vorher nur grob ein Themenrahmen gesteckt wird, findet wie immer eine kurze…

Server Management

Server management on daily basis in a growing environment could be a challenge. Most of the tasks is here done with ClusterSSH [] in help with a homebrew mail notification []. Unfortunately this workflow is not scaling well for 200+…

Creative destruction

Today short before ending business hours I was noticed that there is a problem with a server system (domU). Login with unprivileged user was possible but using "su" didn't worked, also login in as root via privkey failed. Fortunately I was able to connect via xen…

Fixing muninlite for up interfaces without link

Usually I'm monitoring stuff with Icinga [] (Nagios in the past). But for my small network, I primary needed monitoring of bandwidth. In our commercial environment we are using a closed source software for accounting traffic. There is also a license for testing purpose with…

Debian 6.0 'squeeze' released

Our baby [] was released [] just some moments ago. Many thanks to all who made this happen, I'm very proud! Also many thanks to the release team, ftpmaster, cd people, www-team, press folks and all who worked so…

(old) L-root DNS Server "stolen" (for a short time)

After shutdown of the old L.ROOT-SERVERS.NET the IP address formerly associated with it, the IP continued to answer requests. More informations can be found at the ICANN Blog [] UPDATE: Before bothering around, if you read the ICANN Blog […

Pimp my T5725

Yesterday my ordered HP Thin Client T5725 [] arrived. The clue is, Debian sarge [] is and no moving parts (no noise) are inside. It's a really nice thin client and it…