Serial console with VMWare

In your config file of virtual machine you need the following: # grep serial openwrt.vmx serial0.present = "TRUE" serial0.fileType = "pipe" serial0.fileName = "./serial1" serial0.pipe.endPoint = "server" serial0.hardwareFlowControl = "TRUE" Redirect output to stdio or a port: # socat <…

OpenWRT 0.9 / X-WRT 2.75

Last week I updated my WRTSL54GS [] to OpenWRT [] 0.9 with X-WRT [] 2.75. Since my box has an USB port, I was missing a way to umount mounted usb storage. Looking deeper into it,…

Hacking google-highlight plugin

Today I found a nice plugin for highlighting search strings from referrer called google-highlight [], when coming from a search engine. The problem was, when the site includes a substring of $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] it was highlighted ... maybe not what you want. Here…