HAProxy - a journey into multithreading (and SSL)

I'm running some load balancers which are using HAProxy [http://www.haproxy.org/] to distribute HTTP [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext_Transfer_Protocol] traffic to multiple systems. While using SSL with HAProxy [https://www.haproxy.com/de/blog/haproxy/haproxy-and-ssl/] is possible since some time, it wasn&…

Redis HA with Redis Sentinel and VIP

For an actual project we decided to use Redis [http://redis.io/] for some reasons. As there is availability a critical part, we discovered that Redis Sentinel [http://redis.io/topics/sentinel] can monitor Redis and handle an automatic master failover to a available slave. Setting up the Redis replication…

Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2014 ahead

As Jan has previously announced [https://debianstuff.dittberner.info/posts/going-to-chemnitzer-linux-tage-2014.html] , the Debian [https://www.debian.org/about/] project is maintaining a booth at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2014 [http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2014/], which is also organized by him. This year we will have merchandising at the booth, which is…

Crossbuilding Debian packages with sbuild (for Raspbian)

Yesterday I asked [https://devlog.cyconet.org/2013/11/24/running-icinga-with-lighttpd-on-a-raspberry/] myself, how to setup a crossbuild environment on a Debian [http://www.debian.org] wheezy [http://www.debian.org/releases/wheezy/]/amd64 [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86-64] to build binary packages compatible [http://www.raspbian.org/RaspbianFAQ#Can_…

Running icinga with lighttpd on Debian whezzy (and a Raspberry)

At first we need to install Icinga [https://www.icinga.org/] and lighttpd [http://www.lighttpd.net/]: # aptitude install icinga lighttpd We need to enable the lighttpd cgi and authentication module: # lighttpd-enable-mod cgi && ighttpd-enable-mod auth Let's create a config for Icinga (in a subdir of the…

Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2013!

Also this year the Debian [http://www.debian.org/about/] project was present at Chemnitzer Linuxtage [http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2013/], this time right next the debianforum.de [http://debianforum.de] booth. The booth folks arriving on Friday organized a flashmob at Expitas [http://espitas.de] after booth setup. Unfortunately…

Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2013?

Also this year I registered a booth [http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2013/live/191] in the name of the Debian Project [http://www.debian.org/] at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage [http://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2013]. Unfortunately this is the second [https://devlog.cyconet.org/2012/02/26/booth-at-chemnitzer-linux-tage-2012-clt14/] time in the row,…

Creative destruction

Today short before ending business hours I was noticed that there is a problem with a server system (domU). Login with unprivileged user was possible but using "su" didn't worked, also login in as root via privkey failed. Fortunately I was able to connect via xen…