Compling FinkCommander

On the way to get an acceptable mail client (kmail) on Mac OSX, I installed fink [] and updated to unstable tree and did run selfupdate-cvs. After the update FinkCommander [] neither the version shipped by fink 0.8 nor the latest binary package…


The next two weeks, I`ll take some vacations, half of it's with rarely and slow IP connection. I don't know right now, if this is luck or bad luck, but I'll see hows going. I hope the weather will be much better than…

FlyaKiteOSX ...

[![FlyaKiteOSX Screenshot](rg/content/images/2006/01/FlyakiteOSXv3.png) I did found a nice site called FlyaKiteOSX [], which looks and feel like OSX (on a limited scale) in your browser window. There is an included Finder, a working copy of iTunes (with some samples) and some…