New blogging engine

Exactly 3 years after I moved [] on from Wordpress [] to Octopress [] I thought it's time for something new. Some of you might have noticed that I've not much blogged in the past.…

Updated Monitoring Plugins Version is coming soon

Three months ago version 2.0 of Monitoring Plugins [] was released. Since then many changes [] were integrated. You can find a quick overview in the upstream NEWS []. Now it&…

Redis HA with Redis Sentinel and VIP

For an actual project we decided to use Redis [] for some reasons. As there is availability a critical part, we discovered that Redis Sentinel [] can monitor Redis and handle an automatic master failover to a available slave. Setting up the Redis replication…

Monitoring Plugins Debian packages

You may wonder why the old good nagios-plugins [] are not up to date in Debian [] unstable [] and testing []. Since the people behind and maintaining the plugins…

Monitoring Plugins release ahead

It seems to be a great time for monitoring solutions. Some of you may have noticed that Icinga [] has released [] it's first stable version of the completely redeveloped Icinga 2 [] . After several…

Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2014 ahead

As Jan has previously announced [] , the Debian [] project is maintaining a booth at Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2014 [], which is also organized by him. This year we will have merchandising at the booth, which is…

Bye bye Nagios-Plugins

Last night it seems the so called 'Nagios Plugins' project [] was cut off. The story started a decade ago when development of the plugins compatible with Nagios [] was taken over by an independent group of developers [https://www.…

Crossbuilding Debian packages with sbuild (for Raspbian)

Yesterday I asked [] myself, how to setup a crossbuild environment on a Debian [] wheezy []/amd64 [] to build binary packages compatible […