nagios-plugins 1.4.16 is going to be released

Short before Debian is freezing [] the upcoming release of a new version of nagios-plugins [] is scheduled for Wednesday. The good news is, that a recent version is available in unstable and testing. Upstream only fixed some check_ping…

Chemnitzer Linuxtage 2012

As announced [] 3 weeks ago, the Debian project was present at Chemnitzer Linuxtage []. Several talks and workshops where held by people related to the Debian project. At the booth we had talks and discussions with exhibitors and…

package updates

After Debian Squeeze was released [] last weekend, development will speed up again. Today I uploaded [] a new postfwd [] package which ships also the postfwd2 script, a prefork server version.…

Debian 6.0 'squeeze' released

Our baby [] was released [] just some moments ago. Many thanks to all who made this happen, I'm very proud! Also many thanks to the release team, ftpmaster, cd people, www-team, press folks and all who worked so…

OpenWRT WDS works like charm

A try with OpenWRT [] 8.09 in April to setup a WDS [] with additional AP functionality and encryption, like described in the documentation [], failed […

[selfnote] Cloning/Backing up NTFS systems

For some reasons, you may need to clone/backup NTFS based systems. Lets say your NTFS system is located at /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdb1 is a spare partition where you can store your image. At first you need to boot a live system to take an image: # mount /dev/…

New server hardware for

Maybe some of you have noticed, was running under heavy load recently while it was smashed by search engine crawlers. First we tried to tweak the trac installation, which caused the heavy load, when running the spiders trough. But it turned out, that this doesn't…

Oh happy day ...

What a happy day ... on the wedding anniversary of our civil marriage we got a great gift. Our favorite distribution [] released a new major version []. Like every time ... it's the best distribution our project released so far.…