NEW flushed

Ganneff did a lot work and flushed NEW nearly complete. Now asused, dns-flood-detector, php5-tidy, policyd-weight and ps-watcher got into unstable. php-suhosin, which is co-maintained by me got also in.…

Debian Repository

Today I lost accidentally all my debian packages on our ftp server []. This was a point where I thought, it may be a good idea to setup a working repository. So I backported reprepro [] and installed it. Some scripts by side…

Debian Week

Since I was building already a couple packages for bpo [] I was thinking, it may a good idea to start packaging some of my most common tools for Debian GNU/Linux []. You may think its bad timing, but better late than never! So…

Remove (obliterate) trees from subversion repository

If you need to wipe all traces for some objects in your svn repository, you can do something like this: # svnadmin dump REPOS_PATH | svndumpfilter \ <include|exclude> $string | \ svnadmin load REPOS_PATH_NEW # mv REPOS_PATH REPOS_PATH_backup && REPOS_PATH_NEW \ REPOS_PATH ```…

Backup and restore a Windows partition

Today I discovered 'ntfsclone' which is included in debian in the 'ntfsprogs' package. For example if you wanna try to backup your /dev/hda3 to a remote host: foobar:~ # ntfsclone --save-image --output - /edv/hda3 | \ ssh $remotehost '( cat > xp.img )' remotehost:~ # cat xp.…

php5 (5.1.6-1~bpo.1) with tidy and PDO

Since a long time we need php5 with tidy and PDO. Until last week we was using: > deb php5.1 sarge But it stalled at 5.1.4 So we did need a solution how to get a recent and maintained php5 package. There…

Running different policyd-weight instances

Why run different instances of policyd-weight []? Cause you may want use different scorings based on Access Policy Delegation []. At first you need make a copy of policyd-weight and modify it, since Robert didn't implement a switch to…

Different Postfix Access Policy Delegation

Today I got some hints how to use different Access Policy Delegation [] with postfix []. This it opens the possibility to use different check_policy_service [] in dependency on sender address,…