Oh happy day ...

What a happy day ... on the wedding anniversary of our civil marriage we got a great gift. Our favorite distribution [http://www.debian.org] released a new major version [http://www.debian.org/News/2009/20090214]. Like every time ... it's the best distribution our project released so far.…

pulled out for nothing

Dear Stefan 'Frost' Mueller, it was a great pleasure to know you. I'm really shocked, that such a nice and young man was pulled out of life out of the blue. Thanks for all the great things you have done for my family and me. Nothing…


To make it short: many thanks to wouter, myon, weasel and especially santiago and panthera ... you made my month [https://nm.debian.org/nmstatus.php?email=waja%40cyconet.org], definitely!…



[vacation] off until the weekend

After a hard week at work I'm just off for vacation until the weekend without network access. If there are urgent steps needed with my packages [http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=waja%40cyconet.org], just feel free for a 0day NMU.…