
If you experience the following error: > W: GPG error: etch-backports Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 8B78E5581BCDFF8C You may fix it with something like: # aptitude -t etch-backports install debian-cyconet-archive-keyring…

check updates via nagios

On your clients you have to modify /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf: > com2sec paranoid default public com2sec readonly default public exec . aptupdate /usr/local/bin/nagios-check-apt-updates Get the check script to the client: # wget --no-check-certificate \…

eGroupware 1.4.001.dfsg-2.1~bpo40+1 backported to etch

I did upload a updated version of eGroupware to my pool. You can grab it from or via: > deb etch-backports main non-free contrib For installing the rules analog backports.…

Ignoring security (usability)

Since some time, Deutsche Bahn [] rolled public wireless lan called "WLAN am Bahnhof" out at 25 railroad stations, you can choose between 4 providers. Sounds really nice, but beside the economical conditions, there is also at least one security issue. Connecting to the network… and privacy

Today I was crawling through my mail logs for various reasons. I was really surprised, that I saw a mail to a dedicated mailaddress which I'm using for communication with []. I was short checking, if this mailaddress is anywhere published at,…

Booting Linux on Cisco 7513

Today I was reconfiguring a Cisco 7513 [] with a RSP 16 [] and a FastEthernet […