MySQL5 support in php5 packages on

I'm stuck of the requests linking php5 on [] against "MySQL5". You need support of MySQL5 or the mysqli extention for your php5 packages for sarge? So the packages on [] are not what you want. The packages…

vroot support gone in debian kernel 2.6.18 ... why?

# grep -i vroot /boot/config*-vserver* /boot/config-2.6.16-2-vserver-686:CONFIG_BLK_DEV_VROOT=y /boot/config-2.6.17-2-vserver-686:CONFIG_BLK_DEV_VROOT=y /boot/config-2.6.18-3-vserver-686:# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_VROOT is not set /boot/config-2.6.18-4-vserver-686:# CONFIG_BLK_DEV_VROOT is not set Does anybody know, why…

last weekend on CLT

Reduced the work queue after the nice weekend on CLT [], I have some time to write a summary. After 2 years I was able to be there again, cause I blocked the weekend early in my timetable. The event was organized quite well like…

Serial console with VMWare

In your config file of virtual machine you need the following: # grep serial openwrt.vmx serial0.present = "TRUE" serial0.fileType = "pipe" serial0.fileName = "./serial1" serial0.pipe.endPoint = "server" serial0.hardwareFlowControl = "TRUE" Redirect output to stdio or a port: # socat <…

OpenWRT 0.9 / X-WRT 2.75

Last week I updated my WRTSL54GS [] to OpenWRT [] 0.9 with X-WRT [] 2.75. Since my box has an USB port, I was missing a way to umount mounted usb storage. Looking deeper into it,…

BIOS Bootsplash for Thinkpad (T41)

[ On [] I found 2 articles how to get rid of the IBM BIOS Bootsplash and your own working. One for Windows [] and one for Linux […

completely d^Hgone

Today it happen, what I know it would happen some day. My grandfather is not in this world anymore. I don't know, if there is anything other, where he could be now and unfortunatly it seems we aren't experience it until we are in the same…

Music and Debian

Today I found a way to combine consuming my favorite Radio Station [] and using my favorite System Distribution []. On working hours and most of the time at home I'm listening to Frisky Radio [], founded by Faisal…