Enable serial console on Debian 'sarge' GNU/Linux

At first, you need to enable serial ports in your BIOS and wire them up to the case front (if they aren't allready). Make sure you have the following in your /boot/grub/menu.lst: > serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1 terminal…

WRTSL54GS debridged

Okay ... we got the serial port running (same like WRT54GS), so we could be more risky. After some tries I decided to work analog the WRT54G models. Successfull was the following modifications to factory (linksys) defaults: > nvram set vlan0ports="0 1 2 5*" nvram set vlan1ports="…

We got some Linksys WRTSL54GS imported from US

![Linksys WRTSL54GS](https [/content/images/2006/06/wrtsl54gs.jpeg] Don´t ask how, but we got some units to europe. The first thing we does, was to install openwrt [http://www.openwrt.org] and to try debridge the switch to have multiple interfaces instead. We was able to remove ports…

Compling FinkCommander

On the way to get an acceptable mail client (kmail) on Mac OSX, I installed fink [http://fink.sf.net] and updated to unstable tree and did run selfupdate-cvs. After the update FinkCommander [http://finkcommander.sf.net] neither the version shipped by fink 0.8 nor the latest binary package…


The next two weeks, I`ll take some vacations, half of it's with rarely and slow IP connection. I don't know right now, if this is luck or bad luck, but I'll see hows going. I hope the weather will be much better than…