Server Management

Server management on daily basis in a growing environment could be a challenge. Most of the tasks is here done with ClusterSSH [] in help with a homebrew mail notification []. Unfortunately this workflow is not scaling well for 200+…

Tracking coffee consumption

Are you consuming a way too much coffee and have reached the junkie level like me? Maybe [] can help out and visualize your coffee usage.…

Search picture(s)

Today we where packing back our holiday decorations into boxes. We also had a music box to put away. Do you see the defect in the picture? ;) No? Okay ... some years ago my oldest daughter broke it into some pieces and a friend of us (Hi muempf! ;) did glue all…

Creative destruction

Today short before ending business hours I was noticed that there is a problem with a server system (domU). Login with unprivileged user was possible but using "su" didn't worked, also login in as root via privkey failed. Fortunately I was able to connect via xen…

Fixing muninlite for up interfaces without link

Usually I'm monitoring stuff with Icinga [] (Nagios in the past). But for my small network, I primary needed monitoring of bandwidth. In our commercial environment we are using a closed source software for accounting traffic. There is also a license for testing purpose with…

vsftpd running on IPv4 and IPv6 simultaneous

Today I planed to move my FTP server to a new system running Debian [] wheezy []. Usually I'm running vsftpd [], so this was also the plan for the new host. As this…

Brainfucked intellectual property rights

This issue is about a bit specific situation in Germany and it's (mainly tax-financed []) public service broadcasting [] . If you think you are not interested, please skip this entry. :) Just beginning from scratch... In Germany we…