pulled out for nothing

Dear Stefan 'Frost' Mueller, it was a great pleasure to know you. I'm really shocked, that such a nice and young man was pulled out of life out of the blue. Thanks for all the great things you have done for my family and me. Nothing…



Liquid Sunday 4.1

[![Liquid Sunday 4.1](/contrg/content/images/2008/03/IMG_086.jpg) Like (almost) every year I visited obligatory the event. Since my family^Wreallife is normally preventing me from such a party, this one left cause it's in my old homeland and there are good friends forcing…

completely d^Hgone

Today it happen, what I know it would happen some day. My grandfather is not in this world anymore. I don't know, if there is anything other, where he could be now and unfortunatly it seems we aren't experience it until we are in the same…