Redis HA with Redis Sentinel and VIP

For an actual project we decided to use Redis [] for some reasons. As there is availability a critical part, we discovered that Redis Sentinel [] can monitor Redis and handle an automatic master failover to a available slave. Setting up the Redis replication… infected with Malware and Linux Malware Detect

As some of you might have noticed, the Site [] was infected [] yesterday with Malware []. If you are running a shared hosting environment, you are also be faced with similar Malware problems.…

Learning Git Branching

If you are comming from an old SCM like subversion, you may have difficulties to internalize the new workflow. Peter Cottle [] created Learn Git Branching [] which is really nice.…

BIOS Bootsplash for Thinkpad (T41)

[ On [] I found 2 articles how to get rid of the IBM BIOS Bootsplash and your own working. One for Windows [] and one for Linux […

LVM and Quota with Vserver on Debian

This article is based on the excellent article on [] . At first install nessesary packages: # aptitude -t sarge-backports install lvm2\ util-vserver coreutils linux-image-2.6-vserver-686 Create Volume and Group (Replace '/dev/hda3' to your own…