Enable serial console on Debian 'sarge' GNU/Linux

At first, you need to enable serial ports in your BIOS and wire them up to the case front (if they aren't allready). Make sure you have the following in your /boot/grub/menu.lst: > serial --unit=0 --speed=115200 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1 terminal…

Facelifting and extending the site

Maybe you have noticed, the site got some enhancements, more content and got polished. non complete list: * sidebar is switched to widgets [http://automattic.com/code/widgets/] * some plugins was customized and send back to upstream * K2 [http://getk2.com/] was updated to revision 360, since all the modifications moved…

Hacking google-highlight plugin

Today I found a nice plugin for highlighting search strings from referrer called google-highlight [http://dev.wp-plugins.org/browser/google-highlight/], when coming from a search engine. The problem was, when the site includes a substring of $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"] it was highlighted ... maybe not what you want. Here…

Implementing fax and vbox server with capisuite and FaxGW

Capisuite [http://www.capisuite.org/] is a fax and voicebox solution for capi on linux. I'm using it with a Fritz!Card 2.0 on debian. Assuming a working capi card, you only need: # apt-get install capisuite Then you need to customize capisuite.conf, fax.conf and answering_…