Ignoring security (usability)

Since some time, Deutsche Bahn [http://www.db.de] rolled public wireless lan called "WLAN am Bahnhof" out at 25 railroad stations, you can choose between 4 providers. Sounds really nice, but beside the economical conditions, there is also at least one security issue. Connecting to the network…

WRTSL54GS debridged

Okay ... we got the serial port running (same like WRT54GS), so we could be more risky. After some tries I decided to work analog the WRT54G models. Successfull was the following modifications to factory (linksys) defaults: > nvram set vlan0ports="0 1 2 5*" nvram set vlan1ports="…

We got some Linksys WRTSL54GS imported from US

![Linksys WRTSL54GS](https [/content/images/2006/06/wrtsl54gs.jpeg] Don´t ask how, but we got some units to europe. The first thing we does, was to install openwrt [http://www.openwrt.org] and to try debridge the switch to have multiple interfaces instead. We was able to remove ports…

Break the Switch into separated ethernet ports / VLANs

At first ... I'm not responsible, if you brick your router by using this documentation. If your fear it would be possible, stop HERE! The following NVRAM-Settings need to take place: > !/bin/sh Port 0 into WAN, 5 Router themselv nvram set vlan1hwname=et0 nvram set vlan1ports="…

Adding Serial Mod to Linksys WRT54G (V2.0)

Today I was finally soldering the Serial Mod I got from Stephanie Lange [http://hamburg.freifunk.net/twiki/bin/view/Technisches/BasteleienUndBausaetze#Linksys_WRT54G_GS_Dualserial_Mod] and got the serial console working on a WRT54G V2.0 model. ![](https://devlog.cyconet [/content/images/2005/10/100_6115.jpg] >…

Openwrt migration

Since the Linksys firmware for the WRT54G isn't really flexible and the Sveasoft firmware sucks cause this license issues I migrated all my boxes to Openwrt [http://openwrt.org]. Openwrt is a minimal firmware with support for add-on packages ... this makes it more flexible for personal use. At…